The Palace Theatre, Paignton - Saturday 24th November

The following was in the programme for the day and describes why the Operathon (an Operatic Marathon) took place. The running order was changed for this sing through, so that the last two, operas (and probably the least popular) were sung first, in a slightly truncated version, (before any body else in their right mind got up).

This also meant that we could end up on a high note with The Gondoliers.  The event raised over £2,000 for the BBC Children in Need Appeal.  The timings were slightly out over the whole day and we finished 5 minutes early!


A warm welcome to our Operathon. Twenty years ago the Society found themselves in the Record Books with a Marathon “Sing Through” of all thirteen published G&S Operas.  The event caught the imagination of the public and reports of the Marathon were reported as far away as the New York Times, and the Society were subsequently featured in the late Roy Castle’s Record Breakers programme.

As part of the 25th Anniversary celebrations of the founding of the Society it was decided to attempt to repeat the event.  However, as we had no wish to break the record we had previously set and, in any case such an attempt would be meaningless, we decided to use a slightly more sedate pace with timings which we will, hopefully, adhere to during the day.  We also welcome members of other singing groups within Torbay who are joining us for this event and hope that we will succeed in raising much needed money for the BBC Children in Need Appeal.

We are very grateful to all that have helped to organise this event, including our sponsors, musicians, theatre staff and you.  We hope you enjoy the music and, if it is not always quite up to scratch, please forgive us, but still be as generous for this worthy cause as you can be.Many thanks to all the following who are participating in the Operathon.  If any names have been omitted please accept our apologies, and be assured that your help is very much appreciated.

Nigel Hickman