This company always play to their strengths. They recognise that they are short of large numbers of younger members, especially men, but refuse to let this detract from a production, and instead turn these into strengths. The production was presented with a great sense of fun and largely tongue in cheek, and as a result the audience were very entertained.
This wasn’t a traditional performance in the sense of costuming and presentation and was refreshing as a result. The orchestra were off stage as usual, and were excellent . The company sang with gusto and were very well drilled in the big numbers.
One can always be sure of solid performances from Steve Salmon (Marco) , Julie Robson (Gianetta) and Shona Treharne (Tessa) and Nigel Hickman (Duke of Plaza Toro) but they were well supported by the entire company without a weak link.
I was especially taken with gorgeous new face Suzy Winspear (Fiametta) and it was nice to see Andrew Bell (Don Alhambra). It was a shame there were not more younger people in the audience as G&S offers so much, but the large house really enjoyed the show and gave the cast a good reception.