Join the Gilbert & Sullivan Society Torbay!

Meetings are now being held in the halls of St Luke's Parish Church in Torquay, on most Mondays in school term time from 7:30pm - 9:30pm. 

If you wish to come along to one of our rehearsals it would be appreciated if you could ring 01803 842156 beforehand so we can keep a look out for you!

The Society was originally founded as an appreciation society to study the works of Gilbert and Sullivan and although that aspect has largely disappeared over the years it is still the basis for our membership.  In other words there is no set singing standard for joining the Society and even in our yearly major production there is no audition held for chorus members.

For principals in our major production each year there are auditions held, normally about 5 months prior to the show.  We also hold a series of concerts during the year and although no actual auditions are held for soloists our Musical Director may like to hear your voice (in private) before asking you to sing a solo or in an ensemble.

We are quite a happy and fun bunch with a first rate Musical Director and if you are interested in joining the society then why not come along to one of our rehearsals and see what you think?

Membership fees are currently £70 per year and are normally payable a month after first joining once you have decided that you wish to become a member of the Society. Payment can be made monthly by Standing Order of £8 per month if preferred, or in 3 instalments of £25.

St Luke's Halls

St Luke's Parish Church
St Luke's Road