Welcome to the Gilbert and Sullivan Society Torbay

The Society was founded in 1973, mainly as an appreciation Society. Since then, however, it has performed all the operas of Gilbert & Sullivan and also hold regular concerts at various venues throughout South Devon.

Up until 2002 the main production each year was held in the Palace Theatre in Paignton but since 2003 has been staged at the Little Theatre although we returned to the Palace Theatre in December 2019 for our Christmas Production of Sing a Song O'Scrooge, a brand new and especially written adaptation of A Christmas Carol. Details of the show can be found by clicking here.

During its 50 year history the Society has achieved a number of notable successes. In 1978 it achieved world-wide renown when it sung all 13 of the published G&S operas in succession; a feat it repeated in 1998. The Society also had the distinction of staging Pirates on the 100th anniversary of its first production in the very theatre where it was first performed (alas now gone). Details of these and other activities of the Society can be found on this site. Information as to how to join the Society can be found at the bottom of this page.

Our latest summer show was Curtain Raisers at the Little Theatre, Torquay in July 2024. We also have a couple of social events each year. Normally these are held in the summer, after the main show, and at Christmas.  

Join the Gilbert and Sullivan Society Torbay!

Meetings are now being held in the halls of St Luke's Parish Church in Torquay, on most Mondays in school term time from 7:30pm - 9:30pm.

The Society was originally founded as an appreciation society to study the works of Gilbert and Sullivan, and although that aspect has largely disappeared over the years, it is still the basis for our membership. In other words there is no set singing standard for joining the Society and even in our annual production there is no audition held for chorus members.

We are a happy and fun bunch with a first rate Musical Director. If you are interested in joining the society then why not come along to one of our rehearsals and see what you think? 

If you would like to come along to one of our rehearsals please call in advance on 01803 842156.