As an appreciation society, Torbay G&S have full realisation that this means presenting ALL the G&S Operettas at some time or another, even if the box office potential might be questionable. Patience is not oft performed, which is a shame, and the company were wise enough to realise that in its usual form, is not fully suitable for them. Torbay G&S would be the first to admit that the age range of their cast members is, shall we say, on the more mature side.
Therefore Nigel elected to stage the show in a way that played to the groups strengths, and the end result was very successful and also very amusing. Castle Bunthorne became a modern day health farm, and the 20 love sick maidens became the ladies on their health cures. The Dragoon Guards were all well bred country gents who turn the eyes of the health farm ladies. This worked very well indeed.
The show was well cast and there was no weak links in the casting. It was nice to see Andrew Pryce back on stage as Archibald Grosvenor. He played the role as a pompous very vain character, and with an array of glittering and flashy “bad taste” costumes, managed to get every laugh he could. The orchestra was located at the rear of the stage, and this arrangement worked very well. Shona Treharn (Patience) is, for me, always worth the ticket price alone, and she was well supported by the other principals.
Everyone I know who supported the show, were in total agreement, that this was one of the most successful Torbay G&S stagings of recent years. Bravo for trying something new and not being afraid to offend the purists.
Those Soldiers of our Queen
Are not so hale and hearty
To fight they’re not so keen
They’d rather throw a party
They drink and drink all night
‘Till alcohol will floor them
And then they wonder why
The fairer sex ignore them
And then they wonder why
The fairer sex ignore them.
These Soldiers of our Queen
Are now not quite so sprightly
There’re not so fit and lean
And have their cocoa nightly
A proud but motley crowd
Although not quite so steady
With Deaf Aids set on loud
And zimmers at the ready
With Deaf Aids set on loud
And zimmers at the ready!
If you want a receipt for this soldier-like paragon
Get at the wealth of Bill Gates if you can
The skill of Sir Edmond when Ev’rest he climbed upon
Passion of smokers opposing a ban
The zest of Ken Livingstone, charging congestion fee
Or Charles Kennedy heading his clan
The lightness of foot of Natasha Kaplinski
Kelly Holmes’ speed when those races she ran
The genius strategic of Monty or Caesar
The selfless good works of a Mother Teresa
Flavour of Barker – (Two Ronnies), a touch of him
Little of Corbett (but not very much of him)
Cameron Mackintosh – Lloyd Webber’s show
(They’re more like Dad’s Army with Arthur Lowe!)
When I go out of door
Of damozels a score
(All sighing and burning,
And clinging and yearning)
Will follow me as before
I shall, with cultured taste
Distinguish gems from paste
And "High diddle diddle"
Will rank as an idyll
If I pronounce it chaste!
A most intense young man
A soulful-eyed young man
An ultra-poetical, super-aesthetical
Out-of-the-way young man!
Conceive me, if you can
An ev'ryday young man
A commonplace type
With a stick and a pipe
And a half-bred black-and-tan
Who likes his mobile phone
And Crazy Frog ring-tone
Who's fond of his dinner
And doesn't get thinner
When forced to dine alone
A commonplace young man
A matter-of-fact young man
A steady and stolidy, jolly Bank-holiday
Every-day young man
A Sporting Type young man
A Yellow and Blue Young Man
Last season was blighted
For Torquay United
But I remain a fan!
A Chancery lane young man
A Somerset House young man
A very delectable, highly respectable
Hop on a bus young man!
A neighbourhood watch young man
A respect for the law young man
I’m always a goody
And never a hoody
A never tag me young man
A Dartington young man
A sandals and pot young man
A brown rice and homity
Organic yoghurty
Very fair trade young man!
Conceive me, if you can
A crotchety, cracked young man,
An ultra-poetical, super-aesthetical
Out-of-the way young man!
I'm a Littlewoods Stores young man
A Matalan young man
A steady and stolidy, jolly Bank-holiday
Everyday young man
We’re a Marks and Sparks big fan
(Or Hooper’s when we can)
If the price is too drastic
We stick it on plastic
And charge it to our man!